Ok, if you want to write tabs with anything except a paper and pen, its gonna be difficult. But I think this app isnt bad at doing so.
Pro: You can create tabs quickly and efficiently. It exports straight to email, iBooks, and to my Google Drive :) so my band members can see it, comment on it, and keep the band flow going. The non-saving thing went away (as far as I know).
Con: Its default settings are confusing. But if you are a critical thinker, you can change these settings so you can work faster. It doesnt look as nice as it could. But it gets the job done
Overall: This app is great if need a quick tab writer (after youve changed the settings to suit your style). Its a little cluttered, but the fact that it exports is a really great thing. Not as good as paper, but I will certainly use this in the future.
G_sus__Saves about Tab Builder